Concise Minutes - Public Accounts Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: Monday, 6 March 2017

Meeting time: 14.00 - 16.20
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:




Assembly Members:

Nick Ramsay AM (Chair)

Mohammad Asghar (Oscar) AM

Neil Hamilton AM

Mike Hedges AM

Neil McEvoy AM

Rhianon Passmore AM

Lee Waters AM


Alan Brace, Welsh Government

Andrew Evans, Welsh Government

Dr Andrew Goodall, Welsh Government

Dr Jean White, Welsh Government

Wales Audit Office:

Huw Vaughan Thomas – Auditor General for Wales

Dave Thomas – Wales Audit Office

Committee Staff:

Meriel Singleton (Second Clerk)

Claire Griffiths (Deputy Clerk)

Katie Wyatt (Legal Adviser)



Record of Proceedings


View the Record of Proceedings




1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest


1.1        The Chair welcomed Committee Members to the meeting.

1.2        There were no apologies.




2       Paper(s) to note


2.1 The papers were noted.




2.1   The strategic approach of councils to income generation and charging: Additional information from the Welsh Government (21 February 2017)



2.2   The strategic approach of councils to income generation and charging: Additional information from the Welsh Local Government Association (February 2017)



2.3   The strategic approach of councils to income generation and charging: Additional information from the City and County of Cardiff (February 2017)



3       Medicines Management: Evidence Session with the Welsh Government


3.1 The Committee took evidence from Dr Andrew Goodall, Director General/NHS Chief Executive; Andrew Evans, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer; Professor Jean White, Chief Nursing Officer; and Alan Brace, Director of Finance, Welsh Government as part of its inquiry into medicines management.

3.2 Dr Goodall agreed to undertake an evaluation on the numbers of wards using automatic medicine vending of medicines and will also look to clarify tensions in the system at the same time.

3.3 The Committee agreed to take further evidence from health boards in the summer term.




4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:


4.1 The motion was agreed.




5       Medicines Management: Consideration of evidence received


5.1 Members considered the evidence received.




6       Coastal flood and erosion risk management in Wales: Consideration of draft report


6.1 The Committee deferred considering the draft report until the next meeting.




7       Natural Resources Wales Annual Accounts 2015-16: Update from the Auditor General for Wales


7.1 The Auditor General for Wales gave an oral update on the latest position regarding Natural Resources Wales’ Annual Accounts 2015-16.




8       Local Authority Funding of Third Sector Services: Auditor General for Wales Report


8.1 The Committee received a briefing on the Auditor General for Wales’ report on his recent report on Local Authority Funding of Third Sector Services.

8.2 The Committee agreed to write to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government outlining concerns about appropriate use of procurement for third sector services. On receipt of his response, the Committee will return to this issue.




9       Financial Management and Governance in Community Councils 2015-16: Auditor General for Wales Report


9.1 The Committee received a briefing on the Auditor General for Wales’ report on his recent report on Financial Management and Governance in Community Councils 2015-16.

9.2 The Committee agreed to write to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government expressing their concern at weaknesses in financial management and governance across the sector and invite his observations on the Auditor General’s findings. On receipt of his response, the Committee will return to this issue.




10   The Governance Challenges posed by indirectly provided, publicly funded services in Wales: Auditor General for Wales’ Discussion Paper


10.1 The Committee received a briefing on the Auditor General for Wales’ report on his discussion paper on The Governance Challenges posed by indirectly provided, publicly funded services in Wales.

10.2 The Committee noted the paper and agreed to seek an update from the AGW in the autumn term.

